Welcome to this 2023 calendar app which is going to be very important for you for the year 2023
2023 calendar is based on pdf which we can scroll and zoom also in this calendar you can also see the moon calendar and you can also see 2023 holidays list.
In the 2023 Holidays Calendar, the festivals are shown with color codes so that you can know which festivals are of which type government holidays are shown with red color and blue color is shown with local holidays.
2023 calendar can also be viewed on the side of school calendar as this calendar shows holidays so that students can easily view school holidays
This 2023 calendar is based on the Indian calendar showing Indian holidays.
This calendar is only one page in which all the information that should be in a calendar like you can see the holidays list by sliding down.
This calendar is only one page, in which all the information should be in a calendar like in this you can see the list of holidays by sliding down
In this calendar app, we have put the 2023 calendar version along with the 2022 calendar because the year 2023 is coming soon.
So you are requested to install this calendar as soon as possible and see the status of festivals and holidays.