In the world of the Dragon Brawlers: Universe, there are many mystical planets that are shrouded in mystery! The King of Dragons has created a planet for every specie of dragon from across the cosmos. The Queen of Dragons has created a galaxy to give birth to them all!
With the power of your favorite dragon fighters by your side, you’ll be able to unleash some devastating attacks in Dragon Brawlers: Universe, the most exciting anime battle RPG on mobile today!
Explore the infinite cosmos with your dragon team of fighters and engage in legendary fighter battles in this epic anime battle RPG. Level up your dragon warriors and have them reach ascendance into Super Fighters! Super Fighter forms come in many tiers, like Blue, Pink, Black and many more! Your battle fighters will also form bonds with one another, igniting even more powerful Super Moves that will shock and awe your enemies! Unleash Super Moves like the Turtle Destruction Wave, Beam Cannon, Omega Blaster and many more Ki and Physical Art moves!
-The best RPG game in the world is here
-Challenge your friends or other players from around the world in real-time battles
-Collect fan favorite characters as you progress through this RPG story
-Play your favorite classic characters
-Smooth character animations feature new powers and combo attacks
-Fight alongside friends to defeat rivals in real time PVP battles
-The ultimate battle is on! Destroy your enemies!
-Unleash powerful combos including the Burst Combo
-Intuitive card based gameplay – Collect cards and unlock abilities
-Epic storyline featuring all your favorite characters
-PVP battles, live events and more!
-Play as iconic anime characters
Get your brawl on with your dragon warriors and save the universe! Download this epic new RPG now!