Chat anonymously with people who're looking for meaningful, respectful conversations. If you're looking for explicit conversations with everyone, Ganby is not for you.
Find people locally or chat with others around the world. Voice and video calls are also available.
100% Free. No charges, no subscriptions, no VIP memberships.
While we definitely support unfiltered chat between consenting adults, we do have a few rules :
• No asking for money, financial assistance or offering services for sale - such as selling photos or videos.
• No promoting your business or social media page.
• Ganby is for anonymous communication - do not ask everyone for their contact information or send your contact information to everyone.
• Be nice to others. Keep your 'internet rage' for somewhere else.
• Do not send unsolicited suggestive or explicit messages or photos.
• Do not use Ganby if you are under the age of 18.
As Ganby is designed for anonymous chat, we do not verify any user information. Therefore, use common sense - do not assume that anything anybody tells you about themselves is true.
Happy chatting!