The notorious 'Contami' caused a catastrophic nuclear war with their greed. Nuclear war has devastated the world, and humanity has been turned into zombies, contaminated by the chemicals of nuclear bombs. Contamies use zombies to conquer the apocalyptic world. However, some survivors have allied themselves to fight back against Contamies.
🔻 Stylish Combat : Defeat Zombies and Contemis to Survive
🔻 Scavenge : Gather resources to craft necessary items in the apocalyptic world
🔻 Craft Items : Make Cars, Weapons and Armor to grow your Survivors
🔻 Shelter Extention : Build an upgrade the necessary buildings
🔸 Fight and survive from swarmming zombies!!
🔸 Collect materials to craft items for survival!!
🔸 Exciting story and various maps!!
🔸 Immersive Play with SImple Control!!
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