😇 Welcome 😇
With iStalker, know who viewed your profile, watch stories anonymously, know your ghost followers, find out who likes or dislikes your stories, who shows the most interest in your posts.
⭐ Some of the features ⭐
You can find the list of people who follow you and those who don't follow you. 👌
You can watch stories anonymously/privately. 🚀
You can see who viewed your profile. 👀
You can see who blocked you. 🚫
You can list those who don't follow you back. 👀
You can see the ones you follow each other. 🤓
List the ones who liked your comments the most. 🗨️
See who commented the most. 🗨️
Find out which of your posts gets the most likes. 🖼️
Unfollow those who like any of your posts and don't follow you. 😠
You can find more in our app.
You can follow all the features mentioned above from a single screen. You can also do them safely.
Thank you for reading. See you in our app. 👋