Miin is a social platform built for free voice, whether it is to talk about news, talk about life, tell stories, tell jokes, or want to share funny memes, in Miin, you can easily and without Post any voice of censorship!
Through the integration of the exclusively developed AI technology, Miyin starts by understanding events through AI, and establishes a comprehensive cross-platform view by understanding the dynamics of personnel, time, and features, replacing biased and single community values with diversity, and replacing the information environment with opposing positions with professional trust. Give content creators back their autonomy.
You are invited to explore the hottest content on this platform and freely express your ideas, together to create an unprecedented experience of fan music!
Latest Hot News
AI will focus on sorting out the latest hot topics, update them at any time, and broadcast at the first time, so that you can keep abreast of the latest information and keep shooting!
Multiple sources of information
The daily news from 24 electronic media news reports is compiled for you, and the summary analysis is carried out with AI technology to break down the same words. News sources include:
CTWANT, ETtoday News Cloud, NOWnews Today News, SETN, TVBS, Yahoo Qimo, Report, Zhongtian TV, Central News Agency, Zhongshi Electronic News, Xin Media, Public Television News Network, The Epoch Times, Business Times, Times News Network, New Headshell Newtalk, Minbao, Economic Daily, United News Network, Free Times, China Television News Network, Apple Daily, Mirror Weekly, Feng Media
Comprehensive news sources are diverse, taking you to see the world through the stratosphere.
Linking community views
Want to know what everyone has to say about this? Miyin connects popular news topics with community content, and integrates content on Facebook, PTT gossip, Line and other multi-party community platforms, allowing you to easily hear the voice of the public.
personal data shield
Don't worry about speech being censored, or digital footprint being tracked and sold. Miyin respects your information and privacy, and will not sell your information and records to third-party advertisements and organizations. Your data is your data. You can delete your account and data from your account and exercise the right to be forgotten.
Need to empty your head to receive cosmic radio waves from all directions? Join Miin now!
Let Miin to the world!
If there is any error in Miin or have any comments, please write to Miin: [email protected] or contact ailabs.tw