O hi - We all wish to Talk to people we see in Cafes!
O hi is a new social network for Cafes that lets you connect with people in same cafes . Yes you heard it right 😆
Wondering how ?
If you are in a Cafe , just enter the Cafe Chatroom - You can then send waves & start chatting with people you saw in Cafe today .
Also you can share pictures and videos in Chatroom & with your friends .
Now your social life identity is your O hi PIN which you can share with your friends on all social platforms to enjoy Cafe life from your buddies by exchanging Cafe Chatroom
Loving the vibes in Cafe ? invite your friends to chatroom !
Fun Fact is : You can’t go to cafes everyday, O hi knows that !
So you can now Ask for invite in Cafe Chatrooms from all over & never miss on socialising in Cafes! People invited will have an “invited by” tag on their profile with invitee profile link .
So guys now make your hangouts a new source of socialising .