The purpose of the game is to control the protagonist of the game, the elf, to eat all the beans hidden in the maze, and not be caught by ghosts. The four corners of the labyrinth have large flickering dots called Dali Pills, which provide the pixie with the power for a short period of time, which in turn can eat the ghosts. Ghosts turn dark blue during this time, escape in the opposite direction, and move slower than normal. Interestingly, when the ghost is eaten, its eyes are still there, it will fly back to the haunted house, and it will regenerate and return to its normal color. When the dark blue ghost flashes in reverse, it means that the potency of Dali Pill is about to disappear, and as the game progresses, the effective time of Dali Pill will become shorter and shorter. In the latter part of the game, when Dali Pill is eaten, the ghost will not change color, but will still flee in the opposite direction.