Expand your vocabulary and test your word descrambling skills with the addictive new crossword scramble game… sQworble!
sQworble Features :
Fast play… Settle in for several levels or just find a few words when you’ve got a minute to kill.
Large Library… over 14,900 words and still growing
Multiple clues per word… if one clue doesn’t do it for you, use the Switcharoo for a whole new view.
Exciting hints… use the Thotlight, Insight Glass, or the striking Enlightening Bolt to get you out of those sticky situations.
Mosaic… after every game, get a piece of over 180 images. Unscramble for additional coins. Use the pieces tray to keep your puzzle organized and the Snaplite to help solve those tricky puzzles.
Gallery… view your collection of completed mosaics.
Challenging and Hard Levels... earn extra coins for uncovering hidden tiles.
Daily Rewards… come back every day to build your coins and item inventory.
Daily Puzzle… big rewards and unlock 24 specialty avatars.
Daily Word Race... compete with other players to reach the top of the Daily Leaderboard. Prizes for the Top 10!
sQworble is free to play and uses in-app purchase to buy coins and items that assist in play.