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Word Games Word Puzzles Helper
Word Games Word Puzzles

Word Games Word Puzzles Helper apk game v1.1.2 for android

1.1.2 for Android
Updated on Fri Sep 15 13:55:36 CST 2023
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Additional Information

Package Name:   com.mnemosynch.ashleybrown.wordguru
Size:   21.2MB
Publish Date:   Fri Sep 15 13:55:36 CST 2023

The description of Word Games Word Puzzles Helper

This word games word puzzles helper has the following elements, a Boggle solver (Ruzzle solver), a Wordle solver, an anagram solver or word unscrambler, a multi-word unscrambler, a Crossword aide, a Spelling Bee solver, a pangram finder, a letter reuse unscrambler, and a word checker. The app has been highly optimized for response time and power consumption, which allows it to offer the following unique features:

1. Wordle Solver. The solver gives candidate words for the next guess based on user inputs of green, yellow, and grey letters. It offers three distinct features. (1) The solver sports a score system for selecting next guesses that achieves an average of only 3.8 guesses for solving a Wordle puzzle in our tests across all 2315 words in the original Wordle solution list. (2) This Wordle cheat supports letter exploration when 4 letters were found but there are still many possible solutions. For example, let us assume that 4 green letters ?OUND were found, but there are still four possible solutions: FOUND, MOUND, ROUND, and SOUND. If 2 or more chances are left, the best next move is to try an exploration word like FORMS (explore letters F, M, R, S). This guarantees to solve the puzzle in two guesses. Our solver lists 5 exploration choices in addition to answer choices in such a situation. (3) The solver automatically expands the word list when necessary and is a very effective word finder for Wordle with an unknown solution word list. Our field tests with two Wordle apps both achieve 80+ winning streaks with no other help.

2. Boggle solver (Ruzzle solver). The solver solves Boggle boards of sizes 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, and 6×6. Users can see the words on the board by tapping the result words. Additionally, the solver has a built-in board generator (activated by tapping the ‘FILL’ key). For 4×4 games, the generator emulates physical Boggle games.

3. Anagram finder or word unscrambler. This highly optimized word scramble solver unscrambles up to 24 letters with ANY number of wildcards. It also supports optional pattern filters (begins with, contains, and ends with) that may contain wildcards as well as includes and excludes letter filters.

4. Multi-word unscrambler. Given a set of letters, the multi-word unscrambler finds 1, 2, and 3 words that can be formed with all of the letters. A common issue with multiword unscrambling is that the number of answers can easily become very large and thus not meaningful. The app mitigates this problem by (1) minimizing duplication (e.g. “WINE AND DINE” is the same as “DINE AND WINE” so only one will be included in the results), (2) supporting optional filters that allow users to narrow down the answers by specifying the size of words and words to be included, and (3) sorting the answers based on word usage popularity (common words appear early).

5. Crossword Aide. The crossword aide is a pattern matcher where users specify a word pattern with known and unknown letters, and word finder gives all words that match the pattern. This function helps in crossword puzzles where the word pattern and some letters in the word are known.

6. Spelling Bee solver. Finds solutions for Spelling Bee puzzles.

7. Pangram finder. Finds all pangrams that use each of the letters at least once.

8. Letter reuse unscrambler. Unscramble letters where each letter can be used multiple times.

9. Word Checker. Checks if a word is in a specific dictionary.

The app supports three dictionaries: Scrabble US, Scrabble UK, and the Enhanced North American Benchmark LExicon (ENABLE) that the Words with Friends (WWF) game is based on.

The words found by this word finder may be sorted based on word usage (common words appear early), alphabetical order, scrabble scores, or a custom score.

The app can be used as word finder, word solver, or word cheats. Open yourself to it and see your game reach the next level.

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