Classic chess board of cross 'x' and circle 'o' strategy game by making 5 in a row to win. New version enables Online and Offline games selection.
Online game enables you to Keep connect with your friends across the globe by challenge them to play this classic chess XO Chess strategy game, and exercise your brain at the same time. Online game enables Online Player versus Online Player.
Host player can create a Virtual Private Room with unique code and able share code to opponent player across the globe to join the virtual private room
Able to do unlimited replay in the same private room.
Offline game is designed and engineered for single player versus Super Smart AI as opponent to challenge your XO Chess, even on the Easy difficulty. Feel more get challenge of the day? Try the Hard one.
Notes: Online playing requires internet network, while Offline playing does not.
- Online or offline games selection
- Create virtual private room with unique room code with max. 2 person/room
- Share code using email, or messenger
- Grid size selection
- AI difficulties as opponent selection
- Score higher if the player can defeat opponent player or AI less than 10 moves
- Cross 'x' or circle 'o' selection
- Offline game scores keep adding up, online game score could be negative if player loses. However, players still able to regain scores by offline games.
Spoiler Alerts! It's very addicting games. Perfect for killing time during long waiting time like traveling. Challenge your friends across the globe!
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