Body analysis application is a simple analysis application.
Learn more about your body. Is your body mass index ideal? You can find out about your body mass index, etc. by calculating the values.
Body Mass Index(BMI):
It is calculated by dividing body weight (kg) by the square of the height in meters.
Body Fat Ratio:
Body fat ratio is the ratio of the fat tissue weight in the person's body to the total weight of the person. Body fat ratio, which gives information about body composition, is an important data in terms of determining the health and condition of the person.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):
Basal metabolism shows the energy that the body needs to maintain its vital functions at the end of 12 hours of fasting, at rest.
Calorie Expenditure by Activity:
Thanks to the calorie calculation tool according to the activity, you can find the answer to the questions of which sport, how many calories do I burn in which activity.
Food Calorie List:
In this section, you can see how many calories are in grams of products such as vegetables, fruits, fish varieties, breakfasts.